This Week's Awards
Autumn Term
We alternate our weekly awards between Reception, Year 1 and 2 one week, then Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 the following week. Keep popping back and check our Facebook posts each week to share the celebrations. 🏆
Friday 20th September - KS2
Year 3 – Max, Isla S, Summer, Teddy, Devon
Year 4 – Chianna, Aubrey, Laura, Harry, Daiton and Vinnie
Year 5 – Samuel, Luca, Noah, Kayla, Wilfey
Year 6 – Jake, Amelia, Sophia, Nathan, Olimpia
Friday 13th September - Reception, KS1
Reception - Wyatt, Belle, Rosie, Ollie
Year 1 – Oliver, Georgia, Evelyn, Henry
Year 2 – Winston, Amara, Jensen, Charlotte