Blackthorn Place, Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme ST5 7BE 01782 567700

Year 1 Curriculum Overview


Autumn Term  

Welcome to the wonderful world of Year 1! This term shall be spent getting used to our new classroom, new rules and routines, and our new teachers. I am so excited about the learning we will do together this term – let us have a look at what your first term in Year 1 looks like.  


In English we will begin by reading “Colour Monster Goes to School’ by Ann Llenas. We will be writing captions, labels and lists to help us to recap the phonics we learned so well in reception. We will also be reading other stories that have familiar settings such as ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ ‘5 Minutes Peace’ and ‘Dogger’. We will be using these stories to work on our comprehension and writing skills. We will also be learning lots of crucial knowledge in our English that will teach us the important things we need to know about reading and writing. We will be writing sentences about the stories we have read and building up to writing these stories by the end of term.  


In Maths we will start off by looking our crucial knowledge, the important things we need to know about numbers! We will be focusing on really securing our knowledge with numbers 1 – 10, addition and subtraction within 10 and our 2D and 3D shapes. Within this learning we shall be using counters, cubes, tens frames, part whole models and more to help us see that numbers and amounts are all around is. We shall be working on arithmetic methods to help us to become quick magical mathematicians. 


In Science we will be learning all about everyday materials such as wood, metal, plastic and glass. We will be building up our knowledge and vocabulary in this area using words such as hard, transparent, soft and opaque. In Autumn 2 we will be looking at the Seasonal changes around us as we head towards wintertime. We will be investigating what changes we can see outside to the weather and trees. 


In Computing we will be looking at technology around us both at home and in school. We will be looking at how to use it correctly and sensibly so that we can be safe on-line and off-line. In Autumn 2 we will be doing digital painting where we will learn how to choose appropriate tools in a program that allows us to create artworkWe will then compare this to artwork we make using paint and paper. 


In Geography we will be learning about our local area. We will be naming our nearest village, town and city and what features we might see within these. We will also be taking a walk into Chesterton to spot the features of a village that we will be learning about in class. 


In History we will be learning about our local Potters – past and present! We will begin by learning about timelines and what they are used for. We will then use our class timeline to start our unit about the Staffordshire potter; Josiah Wedgwood! We will then move up the timeline to present day to learn about Emma Bridgewater and her factory.  


In PSHE we will be looking at the questions: 

  • What helps us stay healthy? 

  • Who is special to us? 

In these areas we will be looking at hygiene, caring for others, people who look after us and groups we belong to.  


In Music we will explore ways to use our voice expressively, we will perform actions whilst singing and develop the sense of a steady beat using music body percussion and instruments. In Autumn 2 we will be doing Festive singing class and whole school. 

Art and Design

In Art we will be learning different drawing techniques becoming creative artists and producing self-portraits! 

Design and Technology

In Design and Technology, we will be investigating sliders and levers. We will begin by looking at books that use these mechanisms and then we will design and make a moving slider of level as part of our Christmas themed work – Watch this space! 

Physical Education

In P.E we will be taking part in gymnastics where will be working on our balance and jumps. We will also be taking part in dance lessons where will build upon and make routines to music using skills we learn from gymnastics.  

Religious Education

In R.E. we will be introduced to what religion means. We will be learning about what faith communities are and discover a few of these such as Sikhism and Christianity. The units we will cover will be ‘Caring’ and ‘Belonging’. We will also look at some special religious ceremonies such as a Christian Baptism. We will also be learning about the Christmas Story during the festive period.