Blackthorn Place, Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme ST5 7BE 01782 567700

Year 5 Curriculum Overview



Summer Term


During the summer term in English we will be looking at stories that recount and narrate for fiction writing. For our non-fiction focus we will be writing a guide which can be used to explain and writing a balanced argument that will focus on discussion. We will be learning about the features of each genre and using our grammar sessions to apply our knowledge in our writing. We will also complete comprehension work on each genre to ensure we understand what they should look like. Our guided reading texts for the summer term are: The Fastest Boy in the World, The boy at the back of the Class and Middleworld.


In maths we will be learning about fractions which includes learning how to add, subtract and multiply fractions. We will be learning about decimals and percentages and how they link with fractions. We will also be learning about methods which will help us to complete our work and problem solve. During the second summer term we will be completing geometry work on properties of shapes and position and direction.


Our science unit is materials and their properties and how they can change. We will be completing experiments and finding out what they tell us. Our other unit is animals including humans, we will be learning about the human life cycle and the changes that happen.


Our geography unit is settlements and land use. We will be learning about what a settlement is, trading and fair trade and the different types of settlements.


In history we will be learning about the Mayan period, this will include their everyday life, facts, timelines, artefacts and finally their downfall.


In computing unit Vector Drawing we will be creating images in a drawing program by using layers and groups of objects. Our other unit of work is Selection in Quizzes which will explore selection in programming to design and code an interactive quiz.

In PSHE we will be learning how drugs that are common to everyday life can affect our health. E.g. alcohol and tobacco. We will also look into how to make healthy choices. Our other PSHE unit will focus on what jobs we would like. We will focus on careers, aspirations, role models and what it will take in order to reach our desired job role. 


Our music unit is ‘At the Movies’ which focusses on composition. We will be learning how to compose our own music! Our other unit is called ‘Celebration’ with a focus around performance. We will all get a chance to show off our performing skills.

Design and Technology

Our Design and Technology unit is food, we will be learning how to make bread and the different ingredients you can add to make different types of bread. We will also be looking at which types of bread are healthier options.

Art and Design

In art we will be looking at sculpture. We will be using clay to make our own sculptures and will be focussing on specific skills like carving, coiling and relief. We will be looking at the artist Augustus Saint-Gaudens.


French – Unit 12 -  We will be learning about different items of clothing, their pronunciation, how to write them in French and how to talk about them in a conversation. During the last term of summer, we will be focussing on learning all of the crucial knowledge and recapping prior units.

Physical Education

In P.E. we will continue with our swimming lessons, our indoor P.E. sessions include tennis and badminton, we will learn the different skills needed to play these games effectively.

Religious Education

Our R.E. unit is Wise words which will explore sacred writings and consider why they are important to their believers. Our other R.E. unit is Values and Beliefs which will investigate the life of a person who has been inspired by their faith and make links between belief and action.