Phonics in Reception

Phonics is a way of teaching reading by knowing our letters. We use Jolly Phonics to teach phonics. You can find out more by looking at the parent section below.
What we will be learning this term...

In your book bags you have a selection of cards, please practise these at home. We need to know them off by heart, so a quick 5 minutes each day will really help them to stick in our heads.
You can also use them to make new words. If you start with s,a,t,p,i,n then you can make words like: sat, pin. pat, tap, tip, tins, past, snip, naps.
Jolly Songs and Actions
When we write our letters we use letter families to help us. The characters help us to remember which way the letters go.
You will see:
Curly Caterpillar Letters
Long Ladder Letters
One Armed Robot Letters
Zig Zag Letters
Click the picture on the right to play a game and see the formation of letters. You could practise on some paper too.